Kevin Wu


A step for a promising new battery to store clean energy Researchers find way to build potassium-oxygen batteries that last longer

Researchers have built a more efficient, more reliable potassium-oxygen battery, a step toward a potential solution for energy storage on the nation’s power grid and longer-lasting batteries in cell phones and laptops.


New organic flow battery brings decomposing molecules back to life ‘Zombie’ molecules dramatically increase battery lifetime

After years of working on an organic aqueous flow battery, researchers found that their ground-breaking, organic anthraquinone molecules were decomposing over time, reducing the long-term usefulness of the battery. Now, the researchers have not only learned how the molecules are decomposing but also how to reverse it. The team’s rejuvenation method cuts the capacity fade rate of the battery a factor of 40 while keeping the cost of the battery low.


New approach could boost energy capacity of lithium batteries

Researchers have found a new way to make cathodes for lithium batteries, offering improvements in the amount of power for both a given weight and a given volume.


New coating could have big implications for lithium batteries

Scientists have developed a new cathode coating by using an oxidative chemical vapor deposition technique. The new coating can keep a battery’s cathode electrically and ionically conductive and ensures that the battery stays safe after many cycles.


Battery Fashion: Scientists Weave Rechargeable Electronics Into Clothes

Wearable, rechargeable electronics that’ll outpace the Energizer Bunny and change the world.


New material could unlock potential for hydrogen-powered vehicle revolution

An international team of researchers has discovered a new material made from manganese hydride that would be used to make molecular sieves within fuel tanks – which store the hydrogen and work alongside fuel cells in a hydrogen powered ‘system’. The material would enable the design of tanks that are far smaller, cheaper, more convenient and energy dense than existing hydrogen fuel technologies, and significantly out-perform battery-powered vehicles.


Solar-powered hydrogen fuels a step closer

A cheaper, cleaner and more sustainable way of making hydrogen fuel from water using sunlight is step closer, thanks to new research.


Channel information

Channel NDA data information View device channel information. Can view the information of the channel and channel number, voltage range, current range, set step information, server, client, median version, median and lower-level through “channel information”.


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